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Tine Guns: Amoureux Solitaire

Tine Guns is an established mid-career contemporary artist, who was born in Belgium. Tine Guns' work are currently exhibiting at Rossicontemporary in Brussels with the exhibition Why do we fall, Bruce? (08 March 2020 - 26 April 2020).

Belgium – 

Two actors perform one of the most iconographic acts in film history: the kiss. ‘Amoureux Solitaire’ is an artist book which investigates the use of montage within a book. It’s a play with the parameters of the medium. A book, like film, shares element like beginning and end, frame and the photographic image. But it has unique features like different reading directions, the turning of a page, the margin, the reader who has control over the time he spends to look at an image. ‘Amoureux Solitaire’ places itself in the grey zones between both mediums and explores new possibilities.
There’s an exploration of time and space. A dog appears in the margin of the book, at the border between the walls where the actors are kissing. 

The White wall becomes the white page and the girl disappears again behind the wall (or is it in the book?)

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