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Manik Katyal on Ernesto Bazan “ISLA”

Ernesto Bazan was born in Palermo, Italy. He received his first camera when he was fourteen years old, and since then photography has been more than a profession: a true passion, a mission in his life. In 2002, Ernesto Bazan created his own photographic workshops providing special emphasis in Latin America.

Cuba – 

With an eclectic body of enriching, honest and deeply committed work, one can only admire the talent that is Ernesto Bazan. Working as an insider, as opposed to an observer, enables Bazan to display the candid truth, relationship with Cuba and its people. His recent book ‘Isla’ is the third and final book from his 21 year old Cuban trilogy.

In this book, Ernesto takes us on a visual journey with his poetic photography, which ranges from panaromic portraits to landscapes, through still life. Ernesto’s trilogy is the photobook masters’ masterpieces that evokes the desire to explore the Cuban unveiled reality. “It’s a love affair and final goodbye to this special island that changed my life”, quotes Photography feature – Ernesto.
I have yet to see a more comprehensive and non-conventional account of Cuban space and time.
 IMG_4814                                                ISLA at Rencontres d’Arles 2014

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