Video: Emaho Mussoorie Workshop with Cristina de Middel & Ricardo Cases in collaboration with IED Madrid

Cristina de Middel is a Spanish documentary photographer and artist living and working in Uruapan, Mexico. De Middel self-published The Afronauts in 2012, a photobook about the short-lived Zambian space program in Southern Africa. The book quickly sold out and the work was met with critical acclaim.

Organized by EMAHO and IED MADRID

Dated: June 19-22nd June,2014 India

The recent success of the Spanish photobook has produced much curiosity and a quest for the reasons for this development. In addition to the international prizes for books by Spanish authors and their success on the market, one of the leading figures of the photobook-movement (if there is one), Martin Parr, has recently spoken of a “new generation of Spanish photographers that has to be taken into account.”

Since four or five years, the number of Spanish photobooks has exploded and we can find excellent works, often self-published or published by micro publishers, such as Ricardo Cases’ Fiesta Editions. Cristina de Middel’s The Afronauts, a fictional documentation of the Zambian space program in the 1960s, has been shown more than 25 times all over the planet, and the sold-out first edition now has a market value of more than a thousand euros. 

From this point of view, one could speak of a very healthy state of photography in Spain, maybe even of a new generation of Spanish photographers who has managed to use the photobook as a vehicle to become known internationally. Cristina de Middel and Ricardo Cases will give two parallel, yet intertwining workshops on the themes “Documenting fiction” and “Fotoziti”.

Shooting, Editing and Photo-book Making with Cristina de Middel and Riccardo Cases was held at Mussoorie, India.

Special thanks to Kya Baat Hai Productions – Mumbai, India.

After the great success of the workshop with Ricardo Cases and Cristina de Middel, we will continue the workshop program of the IED Madrid and EMAHO Magazine, with a Masterclass of Nicolas Combarro, from September 29 to October 1, in Seoul, South Korea.


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