Manik Katyal on Momo Okabe “Bible”

Japan – “With a crimson red cover, Bible for me is a very dream-like journey of Japanese photographer Photography feature – Momo Okabe, talking about her disturbed relationships with her two partners, and how she found the feeling of satisfaction and content. Bible is a compilation of Momo’s recent work, some unpublished photos from Miyagi […]
First Photobook Award Winner: Hidden Islam

France – The entry to this years’s Award were rifle with gatefolds and Hidden Islam uses this device on every spread. This hardcover book is a clever survey of the inconspicuous locations where Muslims in Northeast Italy have been forced to gather to pray, its pages opening to reveal worshippers behind non-descript facades. “Touching upon […]
Finding Your Voice: A Sicilian Masterclass with Ernesto Bazan

Italy – Organized by Emaho Magazine 2015, Sicily, Italy “Sicily, the island where I first saw light, the island that I carry within me wherever I go to take pictures will be the location of tho workhop. Prepare yourself for a very unique and intense one week where along with my friend Manik […]
Adam Lach: Stigma

Poland – “STIGMA” tells the story of 60-person family of Romanian Romas living in the encampment in Wroclaw. This is not another chapter of colorful legend about gypsies – there are no caravans, no campfires, no dancing and singing – there are people with remarkable stories. This group of nomads, depended on never-ending looking for […]
Manik Katyal on Ying Ang “Gold Coast”

Australia – “I was introduced to Photography feature – Ying‘s work in 2012 at an informal talk at Angkor Photo Festival. I was just struck by the beauty of her images of the Gold Coast, but at the time I could not fully grasp it (why?) Her work stayed with me as I felt the […]
Manik Katyal on Nicolo Degiorgis “Hidden Islam”

Italy – Winner of Author Book Award 2014 at the Rencontres d’Arles, self-published book ‘Hidden Islam’ by Fabrica graduate, Photography feature – Nicolo Degiorgis, is a strong anthropological documentation of Islam in Italy. Touching upon the sensitive issue of Islamophobia in Western Europe, ‘Hidden Islam’ is a five year long project, made between 2009-13, which decodes the […]
Fosi Vegue: XY XX

Spain – THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT An inner courtyard faces a row of rooms where prostitutes take their clients. Out of view at an opposite window, the photographer witnesses what should remain unseen. Issues such as prostitution or pornography only become problematic when the system, or a society at the service of that system, […]
Manik Katyal on Ernesto Bazan “ISLA”

Cuba – With an eclectic body of enriching, honest and deeply committed work, one can only admire the talent that is Ernesto Bazan. Working as an insider, as opposed to an observer, enables Bazan to display the candid truth, relationship with Cuba and its people. His recent book ‘Isla’ is the third and final book from […]
Roger Ballen: ‘Maybe I can speak goat, and I can speak a little chicken’

South Africa – Celebrated Photographer Roger Ballen has been photographing for around 50 years mostly in Johannesburg, South Africa. His work is prominent in its dense and visceral images of real and imagined situations, treading a thin line between the dream and the nightmare, drawing the viewer in and then taking them along an […]
Mapping the Invisible: Hong Kong Masterclass with Dinu Li

Organized by EMAHO and IED Madrid 15th – 19th December 2014 , Hong Kong, China 中国版本构建 Chinese Version The book Invisible Cities (1972) by Italo Calvino explores the relationship between Marco Polo and Kublai Khan, as the Venetian merchant adopts the role of confidant to the aging emperor and thus, shares the impressions of many […]
Ricardo Cases: El porqué de las naranjas (Why Oranges)

Spain – I have seen a river in Paris / next to the grey tower / I have seen an umbrella ripped open / all of the mechanisms (Antònia Font) At first sight, here and now, one would think of reality as a chaotic and anarchic progression. Some kind of illogical, unpredictable and messy disaster. […]
David León Rodríguez: Decency
Spain – “LA DECENCIA” …there are two races of men in this world, but only these two: the ‘race’ of the decent man and the ‘race’ of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society…“Man’s Search for Meaning”, Víctor E. Frankl. There are so many subspecies of humans that […]