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Manik Katyal on Ying Ang “Gold Coast”

Based between Melbourne, Singapore and New York, Ying Ang is a photographer of social and contemporary issues. Her interests lie in creating visual and literary content for print, web and installation, exploring a range of formats and styles.

Australia – 

“I was introduced to Photography feature – Ying‘s work in 2012 at an informal talk at Angkor Photo Festival. I was just struck by the beauty of her images of the Gold Coast, but at the time I could not fully grasp it (why?) Her work stayed with me as I felt the images were very thoughtfully captured and placed, presenting an interesting overview of the daily life in Gold Coast.

I had recently met Ying during Arles 2014, where she urged that I spend some time with her recently published book ‘Gold Coast’. For that, I thank her. I feel lucky to have been exposed to her work with more intensity.


Gold Coast is a self-published book by Ying Ang where she presents a superficial and beautified view of Gold Coast in contrast with the underbelly of the region. Beautifully designed with a pink slip box and black & white textured cover, Gold Coast is about Ying’s personal memoir about the daily life of people around her, realistic viewpoint without any manipulation, and talking about her dark and surreal growing-up experiences. For me, Gold Coast is one of the most intimate book projects form the year 2014.”



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