Ana Galan: V I V ( R ) E L A V I E – Paying Homage to Old Age Love

Ana Galan reviews the portrait formula that emerged in Italy towards the end of the 15th century, whose origins can be traced to the work of Jan Van Eyck, which associated, in painting, busts with landscapes. People are reduced to busts or three quarters, substituting through synthesis, the whole for the part. Realistic portraits that do not aim to idealize the subjects’ features; they are fragments of an essence. The figures are placed in a raised position before a wide and idealized landscape.

Spain – 

This project is about love in all its forms.

I have always thought that arriving to a certain age, we become invisible, towards ourselves and towards the rest of the people. Viv(r)e la vie! pays homage to those who decide not to become invisible, to those who continue to live “in the moment”. With curiosity, being the main character of their lives and surrounded by family or friends.

Photographs of couples in profile before a wide coniferous landscape in three planes: landscape representing the power of vital force, of immortality.

Couples of a certain age, people barely seen socially, but who have not stopped living life fully and whose close relation is photographed in the outing dances of their area. The photographs give visibility to people that, for a certain time, have lacked such visibility. This series, at the same time, documents the cultural diversity that exists between different cities and countries: Guadalajara, Spain; Philadelphia, USA; Pirkanmaa, Finland and Leyte, Philippines.

This project would like to honor those that live life fully, those people that are reaching a mature age, but remain active.


Written and Photography feature – by Ana Galan

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