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What Remains – Sarker Protick

Sarker Protick has developed a practice that combines the roles of an image-maker, a teacher and infrequently a curator. His works revolve around the subjects of temporality, materiality of time and the metaphysical prospects of Light and Space. Working with Photography, Video and Sound, Protick has formed a series of works that are built on long-term surveys rooted in Bangladesh, while simultaneously exploring ideas that blurs the notion of geopolitical boundaries. Incorporating detailed observations and subtle gestures, his works propose a subjective space, often minimal, vast and atmospheric.

Bangladesh – 

It was in the afternoon, I was sitting on my grandpa’s couch. The door was slightly open and I saw light coming through, washed out between the white door and white walls.

John and Prova, my grandparents. They always loved the fact that I take pictures of them, because then I spend more time with them and they don’t feel lonely anymore. After Prova passed away, I try to visit more so John can talk. He tells me so many things about their early life, and how they met. There are so many stories.



Here, life is silent, suspended. Everything is on a wait. A wait for something that I don’t completely understand.


Written and photography by Sarker Protick

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