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Miti Ruangkritya: Christmas Trees Vol. 1

Miti Ruangkritya is a Thai photographer whose work revolves around the city - from its environment and people and to its transformation and growth.

Thailand – 

Towards the end of each year public spaces and commercial centers throughout Bangkok undergo a temporary aesthetic shift as they welcome the inclusion of the ‘Christmas Tree’ into their environment. It is the way these ‘Trees’ have been manifested and how they have been integrated into each setting which interests me and what this project concerns itself with. Often they appear somewhat alien, clunky and at odds with the environments they inhabit. Unsurprisingly and in most instances, these trees have appeared for commercial purposes – helping attract the passing trade – rather than to act as a symbol for Christmas. It is this motivation that has invariably led to the friction that can be found. Any symbol or icon that is taken out of its original context for reasons different to what it is originally intended for, will gather new meaning, adopt new connotations and become something else.


                                                          © Miti Ruangkritya


Titles of Publication: Christmas Trees Vol.1
Photography: Miti Ruangkritya
Design: Jean Arunsirichok & Miti Ruangkritya
Date: 2013
Places of Publication: Bangkok, Thailand
Edition size: 250 all signed and numbered by the author
Format: book/cards
Size: 13.5 x 14cm
Number of Pages: 68
Type of Printing: Laser
Type of Paper: Glittered Pearl colour Thai scented paper
Number of Pictures: 31
Price: n/a

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