Art & Culture

Phurba Namgay : Dragons and Rockets

Bhutan – Bhutanese ‘‘thangka’’ painter Phurba Namgay has developed a cutting edge new style of Bhutanese art: a fusion of classical East and contemporary West. The new pieces combine Buddhist iconography and

Jeffrey Milstein : Heavy Metal Giants

U.S.A. – For as long as he can remember, Jeffrey Milstein has loved everything associated with aviation. As he grew up, he would frequently visit the Los Angeles International Airport and watch the

Goldspot : Letters On A Paper Napkin

India – Born of a search for one’s cultural identity, Goldspot is the creative brainchild of Siddhartha Khosla. Tastemaker DJ Nic Harcourt of KCRW (on his show ‘Morning Becomes Eclectic’)

Guillaume Blanchet : Ride ‘n’ Shoot

Canada – After spending a decade as an advertising copywriter, Guillaume Blanchet decided to cut loose and follow his passion of film making. Soon he was seen around the streets of Montreal

Joshua Hoffine : House of Horror

U.S.A. –  The most pursued genres of photography may be weddings, wildlife, fashion et al, but American photographer Joshua Hoffine‘s horror photography tingles more nerves than one. Through his macabre

Henry Rollins : Raging Empathy

U.S.A. – Henry Rollins has come a long way since leading the legendary and infamous punk rock band Black Flag, yet his unreticent and straightforward approach has never wavered. Now an avid

The Boneyard Circus : Horror and Madness

Philippines –  Flaunting lyrics that are – by self-proclamation – loud and twisted, Filipino band Boneyard Circus is quite the rare gem in a sea of generic pop. Band member