Call for Entries: Photographic Museum of Humanity 2015 Grant

The Museum of Humanity (MOHLA) is a multi-disciplinary engagement platform that celebrates the greatest human endeavors across time. Its programs blend art, culture, science, history, and philosophy to inspire generations around the world and to foster a global conversation, drawing wisdom from the past and excitement for the future.

Photographic Museum Of Humanity opens its Call for Entries to the PMH 2015 Grant, an International Photography Contest with $4000 in Cash Prizes.

Photographic Museum of Humanity is the first online Museum dedicated to photography. Launched in January 2013, every month the Museum presents a new exhibition curated by a team of editors guided by Giuseppe Oliverio, the project founder. So far they have exhibited the work of photographers like Anastasia Taylor Lind, Alejandro Cartagena, Espen Rasmussen, and Alejandro Chaskielberg and collaborated with important invited curators

After the success of the previous two editions, which attracted more than 1,000 selected works each, the online platform dedicated to contemporary photography presents today the new edition of its annual contest. Christopher Anderson (Magnum Photos), James Estrin (New York Times), Arianna Rinaldo (Ojo de Pez Magazine) and Roberto Huarcaya (Centro de la Imagen de Lima) will compose the prestigious jury that will award a 1st Prize of USD 2,000, a 2nd of USD 1,000 and 3rd of USD 500.

The contest will also award the New Generation Prize of USD 500 to a photographer under the age of 25, and a number of honorable mentions. The competition has no entry fee and is open to all photographers with an account in the PMH community.

The deadline for submissions is midnight on February 24th,2015 GMT.

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