Marta Berens: “Dream Chapter” – Magical Illusion of a Photographer’s Reality

Marta Berens was Born in Warsaw, Poland.In 2012 graduated from the Documentary Workshop with Michal Luczak, at Academy of Photography in Warsaw. In September 2012 – June 2013 member of Mentoring Programme lead by Sputnik Photos collective with Adam Panczuk as a mentor.

Poland – 

Dream chapter is a part of my “Fairytale” story.

“It is out of reality that the most peculiar tale of all is born. (…) Some call me the Elder Granny, others – the Dryad, but my real name is Memory.

It is I who sits on a tree that keeps on growing, and growing, it is I who reminisces and tells stories.” *

This fairy tale is like a spell cast in an attempt to disenchant the past. It is an act of creating a new reality in which illusion is the truth.

They say that childhood is a time when one’s mind is asleep. Acting as a guide leading my daughter to consciousness I intend to implant in her a belief that “fairy tales are more than real, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they make us realize that they can be conquered.” **

For my parents

* H. Ch. Andersen

** C.K. Chesterton


Photography by Marta Berens 

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