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Lujan Agusti: Madryn Descartable

Puerto Madryn, Argentina, 1986. National Geographic Explorer. Luján is a documentary photographer and visual storyteller. She currently lives and works in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Through her work, she explores Latin American culture and identity with a gender perspective and seeks to analyze the limits of documentary practice.

Argentina –  

“How does it feel to return to the city you are from, but of which you have never been part? To walk the streets in the quest of memories, of familiar faces. Trying to feel at home, because that place was once your home. I decided to walk the streets of Puerto Madryn to encounter the exact place where I was born, a place that no longer exists; to encounter a family, my family, that is no longer that same family. I returned to this town after ten years, with a little disposable camera, trying to register those disposable memories of my childhood, memories that I finally realized, do not really exist. At all.”



Art & Culture Featured – Written and Photographed by Lujan Agusti

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