
Patrick Willocq: I am Walé Respect Me

France – Through this project, I aim to create an artistic and documentary photography, very close to the daily experience of Ekonda pygmies in the Democratic Republic of Congo. For

Justin Maxon: When the Spirit Moves

USA- “The Sun Village is a place where families shut themselves into their homes; where people sleep in their basement because gunshots are like birds screeching in the night. But

Aaron McElroy: After Awake

THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT After Wake is a collection of visual fragments & anonymous female subjects from the artist’s daily life. Separated from the minutia of McElroy’s lived reality,

Sanne De Wilde: The Dwarf Empire

China – 小人国 在中国云南、在昆明美丽的滇池湖边、在一片原始森林里,有一个由上百矮人族群组成的梦幻国度—它就是世界蝴蝶生态园·“小人国”。这里的小矮人们勤劳、善良、多才多艺、英勇无畏。他们拥有自己的国度,拥有自己的国王、自己的军队、外交部、御膳厨房和臣民 “In the Chinese province Yunnan, close to the beautiful Dianchi lake, exists a magic land in the ancient forest where the dwarves live. This is the

Thomas Sauvin : Silvermine

China – Silvermine is a set of five photo albums each containing 20 prints. The negatives were salvaged from a recycling plant on the edge of Beijing, where they had

Robin Hammond : Condemned

New Zealand – Condemned: Mental Health in African Countries in Crisis by Robin Hammond presents a profound body of work produced over two and a half years in nine African