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Alyssa Monk’s Photo-Realistic Paintings

Alyssa Monks (born 1977) is an American painter currently based in Brooklyn. She specializes in large oil paintings and is recognized both in the United States and Europe for her work featuring figures obscured by water, steam, and vinyl.

USA – 

Monks‘s paintings have been the subject of numerous solo and group exhibitions including “Intimacy” at the Kunst Museum in Ahlen, Germany and “Reconfiguring the Body in American Art, 1820-2009” at the National Academy Museum of Fine Arts, New York. Her work is represented in public and private collections, including the Savannah College of Arts, the Somerset Art Association and the collections of Howard Tullman, Danielle Steele and Eric Fischl.

“My intention is to transfer the intimacy and vulnerability of my human experience into paint for someone else to connect to.  Paintings are objects you need to be in the same room with to sense the energy in their surfaces.  I like mine to be as intimate as possible, the painted surface like a fossil, recording every gesture and decision.”

Art & Culture

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