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Call For Submission: 20th Voies Off Festival – Arles

Voies Off has been committed since 1996 in Arles to supporting young photography by presenting the work of authors with the greatest rigor and by offering artists a platform of international renown during the Rencontres Photographiques d'Arles. Between artistic rigor, openness and concern for exchange, the Voies Off Festival offers a dense program of nights of screenings, exhibitions, portfolio readings, professional mornings, and fiestas.

France – 

Be part of the photographic alternative

Voies Off Festival is the fringe festival of the world famous Rencontres of Arles, the French capital of Photography. It offers an alternative approach to emerging contemporary photography, its particularities, its evolutions, and its areas of resistance.  In 20 years, it has become both an international reference for the discovery of emerging authors and an unmissable event for outstanding professionals.   

Submit 1 application and run for 3 prizes 

For the 20th edition the selections will be at the heart of an original and highly expected programming. Amongst the candidates, the works of 60 shortlisted photographers will be unveiled to a wide audience of profesionals, journalists, photographers and amateurs during the Nights Screenings.

Voies Off Festival rewards 3 different prizes:

Voies Off Prize : 2 500 euros
SAIF Discovery Prize : 2 000 euros Award : publication online of the rewarded portfolio with a critical text

How to submit your application?

Online application till March 15, 2015:
The themes are opened and the selection criterion will be the presentation of a personal and creative vision. There is no restriction of age, experience or nationality.

Each entrant may propose up to 3 series of 35 images and collective submission are allowed.
Further information is available at
Entry and upload :
Do you have any question ? Please write to:

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