WORKSHOPS with Cristina de Middel and Ricardo Cases

Cristina de Middel is a Spanish documentary photographer and artist living and working in Uruapan, Mexico. De Middel self-published The Afronauts in 2012, a photobook about the short-lived Zambian space program in Southern Africa. The book quickly sold out and the work was met with critical acclaim.

Organized by EMAHO and IED MADRID June 19-22nd June,2014 India  

Shooting, Editing and Photo-book Making with Cristina de Middel and Riccardo Cases

  The recent success of the Spanish photobook has produced much curiosity and a quest for the reasons for this development. In addition to the international prizes for books by Spanish authors and their success on the market, one of the leading figures of the photobook-movement (if there is one), Martin Parr, has recently spoken of a “new generation of Spanish photographers that has to be taken into account.” Since four or five years, the number of Spanish photobooks has exploded and we can find excellent works, often self-published or published by micro publishers, such as Ricardo Cases’ Fiesta Editions. Cristina de Middel’s The Afronauts, a fictional documentation of the Zambian space program in the 1960s, has been shown more than 25 times all over the planet, and the sold-out first edition now has a market value of more than a thousand euros. From this point of view, one could speak of a very healthy state of photography in Spain, maybe even of a new generation of Spanish photographers who has managed to use the photobook as a vehicle to become known internationally. Cristina de Middel and Ricardo Cases will give two parallel, yet intertwining workshops on the themes “Documenting fiction” and “Fotoziti”.  


  DETAILS AND APPLICATION Cristina de Middel: Documenting fiction (4 days) Ricardo Cases: Fotoziti (4 days) Complimentary Editing Workshop and Portfolio Review by Moritz Neumüller and Manik Katyal The workshops will be held in Mussoorie  from 19th to 22nd June, 2014, as a joint project of EMAHO Magazine and the IED Madrid.   WHO SHOULD APPLY The workshop is addressed to both students and professionals in the field of photography: Photographers, book designers, artists in the Photography or Publishing Sector. Graduates or students of Fine Arts, Audiovisual Communications,Publicity, Journalism, Art History, or Humanities who want to specialize in the theory and practice of Fine Art Photography and Photobooks. The purpose of the workshop is to educate photographers about the possibility of disseminating and exhibiting their work through the physical medium of photobooks.   Dates: June 19-22nd June, 2014. Location for both the workshops: Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, India   Seats: Minimum Seats required for  each workshop – 9 Maximum seats for each workshop– 14 Tuition fee: Rs. 30,000 / $500 / 350 Euros Accommodation: Rs. 6000/ $100/ 70 Euros (5 nights/6 days on sharing basis) Discounted price for last 3 seats  including your accommodation – Rs. 29000 10 % Discount is available to Indian students against a valid Photo-ID 15% Discount on each referral participant(Tuition Fee) Application Deadline – 15th June, 2014  

The Afronaut by Cristina de MiddelThe Afronauts © Cristina de Middel

Please Note •Chosen participants are expected to bear their own travel. Please note that your final participation is subject to realization of fees and is non-refundable. Please note that the participation in either workshop can be validated as 2 ECTS credits of the following courses at IED Madrid: International Photobook Course (Sept 2014 – Jan 2015) European Master of Fine Art Photography (April 2015 – March 2016) One Year Introduction to Photography (Oct 2014 – July 2015) Contemporary Art Photography (Oct 2014 – Jan 2015)   HOW TO APPLY Send an email to MANIKKATYAL@EMAHOMAGAZINE.COM with “WORKSHOP APPLICATION: From visual narrative to book: Crafting a handmade photobook” written in the subject line, and attach the following: 20 to 30 low-resolution JPEG photos. Bodies of work / projects are preferred. (Please note that each photo should be 800 pixels on the longer side saved in a zip folder. Maximum size of the zip folder should not be more than 5 MB.) Also: •A brief description of your project (not more than 300 words) •A CV or a short biography   IMG_0037   COURSE STRUCTURE & WORKSHOP SCHEDULE  

Cristina de Middel Workshop “Documenting fiction”

 Day 1: 10-14 Introduction to the work of Cristina de Middel and photobook making in Spain. In other countries, like The Netherlands, book design follows trends, and suddenly everyone makes the same type of book. Spanish artists are not doing a one-size-fits-all book; rather, they all make different books. The reason is that photographers have found out, for lack of support or otherwise, that the photobook is a perfect platform for their work and making it visible outside to a large number of people. – Introduction of the students and their motivations to take the workshop. – Introduction to the workshop’s dynamic and targets. 13-14 Lunch Break 14-20 First shooting with Cristina. – Location and dynamics will evolve in a dialogue between the participants, and according to the projects they chose. – Cristina will help participants to find their own voice, and fine-tune the whole choir. Day 2: 10-13 Analysis – Individual presentations of approaches – Group Critique of the first results. – Redefining and/or more fine-tuning 13-14 Lunch Break. 14-20 Constructing a documentary fiction – Finding the missing images to compliment the edit – Start working on sequencing and storytelling of the project Day 3: 10-20 Construction of the dummy book (with 1 h lunch break). – Print, edit, sequence and design the documentary fiction project. – Create a collaborative Dummy book, including the cover, binding, jacket, etc. Day 4: 10-13: Group Critique and presentation of the works (together with participantes of Ricardo Cases Workshop)  



Ricardo Cases Workshop “Fotoziti”:

  DAY 1 10 – 13 Workshop presentation – Ricardo Cases will show and talk about his relationship to photography, from his personal to his professional point of view – Presentation of the participants´ work An overview and constructive critique of each participant´s work Discussing the creative process, the approach, the photo practice and the editing. Ricardo will show and explain, with some examples, different “solutions” on how a project can be solved. 13-14 Lunch Break 14-20 Finding of a theme: – Participants (alone or in small groups) find their subject matter in an exploratory shooting, together with Ricardo. – Decisions will be made as for scope, focus, context and goals. – Students will share and discuss their first results in the evening. Day 2: 10-20 Production of fanzine Fotoziti (with 1 h lunch break) – In the morning, each participant or group will present their first results – Group discussion and definition of assignments for image production – In the afternoon: First Printing and Editing Session Day 3: 10 – 20 Fotoziti production Shooting the missing images to compliment first edit Editing, sequencing and working on the layout. Printing and binding of Fotoziti. Day 4: 10-13: Group Critique and presentation of the works (together with participantes of Cristina de Middel Workshop)    Complimentary Editing Workshop and Portfolio Review by Moritz Neumüller and Manik Katyal Each day, after dinner, curator Moritz Neumüller and EMAHO’s Editor in Chief Manik Katyal will give the students time to show us their past and current projects and help them with editing, con/textual issues and concrete hints on how to promote their work in the international art market.   ABOUT Cristina de Middel Cristina De Middel is a Spanish photographer who is currently based in London. She has been working for different newspapers in Spain and with NGOs such as Doctors Without Borders and the Spanish Red Cross for more than 8 years. In her photographic practice, she combines strictly documentary assignments with personal projects, which that have been awarded and exhibited internationally, including a nomination for the Deutsche Börse Prize and the Infinity Award from the ICP in New York. Her artistic work deliberately asks the audience to question the language and the veracity of photography as a document, and plays with reconstructions or archetypes that blur the border between reality and fiction. In addition to personal projects, De Middel has worked for publications such as Foam and Esquire, as well as various NGOs. Her work has been recognised by the National Photojournalism Prize Juan Cancelo (2009), Fnac Photographic Talent (2009) and the Humble Arts Women in Photography Project Grant (2011). She was a finalist at Open Call Guatephoto, Guatemala (2012), the winner of Photo Folio Review at Recontres de la Photographie, Arles, in 2012 and returned there as a participating artist this year. She was also a finalist at FotoPress, La Caixa, Spain this year. Cristina de Middel’s The Afronauts, a fictional documentation of the Zambian space program in the 1960s, is a true success story. The book was published in 2012 by the University of Cádiz, as number 32 in their Cuaderno Kursala series, on the occasion of an exhibition curated by Jesus Micó, which has been shown more than 25 times all over the planet, and the sold-out first edition now has a market value of more than a thousand euros. Watch a video interview with Cristina De Middel made by the prestigious Deutsche Börse Photography Prize, for which she was finalist in 2013.   Ricardo Cases Ricardo Cases lives and works in Madrid and Valencia. Holds a degree in Journalism by the University of The Basque Country. Since 2011 he has been teaching at the European Master of Fine Art Photography in IED Madrid. He is a member of the Blank Paper collective and runs a publishing project called Fiesta Ediciones. His book Paloma al aire has achieved wide recognition since its publication in 2011. It focuses on a rather strange phenomenon: A cloud of ninety male pigeons, with colorfully painted wings, tries to make out with a sole frightened female dove, which is fleeing at top speed from so vast an amount of pursuers. Meanwhile, their owners watch the competition from below with walkie-talkies. Everyone, both pigeons and men, depend on the female’s capricious itinerary. A referee decides which bird deserves to win: The one that manages to stay the longest time together with the female during the last two hours of daylight. This variant of columbiculture has a truly Spanish touch to it: The winner is not the most athletic pigeon, the one with the most endurance or the purest breed. It is the most gallant pigeon, the one with the greatest persistence and reproductive instinct, or, put in another way, the most macho. “Ricardo Cases’ photographic work focuses on the yearnings of the human being: the deep and universal longings of the citizen of the mass society, fighting against banality in an effort to transcend, confronting his own dignity with a medium always untrustworthy. To this end, he turns his eye to expressions of contemporary folklore, looking for the truth of the Spaniard: a townsman who is forced to live in the city, in modernity. Beyond a pop appearance distant and cynical he is interested in what is human and anthropological. Beyond the social and documentary, he searches for the truthful and universal pulsations beating beneath the banal surface often kitsch and lacking glamour of contemporary Spain”. (Luis López Navarro)  


Moritz Neumüller   Moritz Neumüller (b. Linz, Austria, 1972) is a curator, educator and writer in the field of Photography and New Media.He holds a Master Degree in Art History and a PhD degree in Information Management and has worked for several important art institutions, such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, PhotoEspaña in Madrid and LOOP in Barcelona. Publications include El otro lado del alma, Edition Oehrli, Zurich (2005); Bernd & Hilla Becher speak with Moritz Neumüller, La Fábrica / Fundación Telefónica, Madrid (2005); All Inclusive. New Spanish Photography, Lodz Photography Festival, Polonia (2007); TO HAVE & TO LOSE. Three projects by Mireia Sallarès, Galleri Image, Aarhus (2008) and Martin Parr’s Best Books of the Decade, Dublin (2011). At the moment, he works as Festival Curator for PhotoIreland in Dublin, and directs the Photography Department of the Istituto di Design in Madrid. Furthermore, he is a contributor to magazines such as European Photography and Photoresearcher, and on the editorial board of The European History of Photography (Bratislava). Since 2010, he runs The Curator Ship, an online resource for visual artists. Current projects include the Daego Biennial, Korea 2014 (assistant curator), Photobook Week Aarhus, Denmark 2014 (curator) and an interactive book project on Ernst Jandl’s concrete poetry (editor).   Manik Katyal Manik is the founder, curator, photo editor and editor-in-chief of Emaho Magazine. Emaho was started as a magazine to introduce the work of emerging photographers and to provide them with a global platform to showcase their talent. Manik has also served as a portfolio reviewer in various international festivals including FORMAT International Photography Festival, United Kingdom, Chiang Mai Documentary Arts Festival, Thailand, Angkor Photo Festival, Cambodia, Encontros da Imagem, Portugal, Voies-Off Arles,France and Lens Culture Foto-Fest, France. Manik has also been invited to do portfolio reviews at The New York Times Portfolio Reviews, USA in April and Photo Ireland, Dublin in July 2014. Manik has also been nominated for the ‘Creative Entrepreneur of 2012’ award by the British Council, Emaho was invited to judge the FORMAT International Photography Festival, United Kingdom, The Reminders Stronghold Project Grant, Japan. He served on the panel for the LUCEO Student awards 2013 and was on the jury for International Photography Awards. Manik will be on the jury for Daylight Book Award 2014 and First Chinese Grand Prix IPA International Photography Award 2014.  

Devdar Oaks

  The Workshop Venue Perched on the top of the Lal Tibba (which literally translates to Red Hill), Mussoorie and nestled away from the bustle of the town lies an old British home converted in to a guesthouse called Devdar Woods. The immaculate location that provides for a snow-capped view of the mighty Himalayas and this quaint, rustic vacation home that takes one right back to the early part of the 20th century can certainly be called the most picturesque location in the area. The surrounding multitude of Devdar trees, after which the cottage has now been named, and the impeccable beauty of the region, which can be viewed from the verandah’s of Devdar Woods are sure to create the most quintessential picture book setting for a photography workshop in India.   devdar-hotel                                                     Venue in Mussoorie, Uttarakhand Disclaimer •    Emaho Magazine reserves the right to cancel workshops where the minimum participants criteria is not met. Students will be given either a full refund or offered a place with an alternative photographer. In the event of cancellation, students will be given at least two weeks advance notice. •    Emaho Magazine reserves the right to change or alter the program advertised. •    For International applicants, Emaho Magazine is not responsible for reimbursement of travel expenses in case the workshop is cancelled. It is highly recommend that refundable tickets are bought along with travel insurance. •    Force Majeure: Emaho Magazine is not liable for failure to conduct workshops if such failure is as a result of Acts of God and/ or circumstances not in Emaho Magazine’s control.   Feature Image credit –  Mercedes Cosano


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