The brouhaha that has erupted after the Seth Rogen-James Franco movie ‘The Interview‘ was pulled, has snowballed into murky waters with hackers releasing over 1,70,000 private emails from senior Sony executives to prominent Hollywood personalities such as Angelina Jolie.
”Whilst some stories came out at the time, the original archives, which were not searchable, were removed before the public and journalists were able to do more than scratch the surface,” said Julian Assange in a press statement. “This archive shows the inner workings of an influential multinational corporation,” he added. “It is newsworthy and at the centre of a geo-political conflict. It belongs in the public domain. WikiLeaks will ensure it stays there.”
Wikileaks maintains that behind the gossip-worthy items are sinister chain mails involving over-riding limits to campaign budgets for political entities.
Wikileaks maintains that behind the gossip-worthy items are sinister chain mails involving over-riding limits to campaign budgets for political entities.
Sony has hit back declaring, “We vehemently disagree with WikiLeaks’ assertion that this material belongs in the public domain and will continue to fight for the safety, security, and privacy of our company and its more than 6,000 employees.”
Although many news agencies question the ‘morality’ of reporting on stolen data, what is clear is that big media’s hand in subverting minds is deeper and more clawed than just brainwashing unsuspecting children.
Although many news agencies question the ‘morality’ of reporting on stolen data, what is clear is that big media’s hand in subverting minds is deeper and more clawed than just brainwashing unsuspecting children.