Mapping the Invisible: Hong Kong Masterclass with Dinu Li

Dinu Li was born in Hong Kong and currently lives and works in Cornwall, UK. Li is an interdisciplinary artist working with the moving image, photography, sculptural assemblages and performance. In his practice, Li examines the manifestation of culture in the everyday, finding new meaning to the familiar, making visible the seemingly invisible. Archives play an active role in Li’s work, and they are often used as points of departure for his projects. His methodology is research based, with an emphasis on appropriation and reconfiguration. Li’s work is often characterised by problematising the document as part of the modus operandi.

Organized by EMAHO and IED Madrid 15th – 19th December 2014 , Hong Kong, China 中国版本构建 Chinese Version The book Invisible Cities (1972) by Italo Calvino explores the relationship between Marco Polo and Kublai Khan, as the Venetian merchant adopts the role of confidant to the aging emperor and thus, shares the impressions of many Mongolian cities he has visited. Due to the physical enormity of the empire, Khan himself could only experience the vastness and minute details of some of these places through Polo’s eyes and words, and through his own imagination. Calvino’s book therefore, offers an alternative approach to thinking about cities, how they are formed and how they function. Taking Calvino’s intentions as a point of departure, participants will be led through a three-day workshop including a presentation, seminar, individual tutorials and a project conclusion group critique. Participants will develop their own perceptions of the city of Hong Kong and its people. Furthermore, they can be local to Hong Kong, or come from the outside, as does Dinu Li. Together, they will create a mosaic of viewpoints, which live from the contrast, responding to the city’s very own qualities. In this assignment, participants critically engage with the different forms of practice manifest in the works of key influential artists both contemporary and historical. Case studies including John Smith and Simon Faithfull will be analysed to determine modes of practice that reconfigures the symbiotic relationship between man and place.   49 Local Portrait Studio                                       Dinu Li, from the series ‘The Mother of All Journeys’   Details and Application Mapping the Invisible – Hong Kong. 5 day workshop with Dinu Li. EMAHO magazine and IED Madrid invite photography students and young professionals working around creating visual narratives to apply for a 5 day workshop to be held in Hong Kong  from 15th -19th December, 2014.   Who Should Apply This workshop is aimed at students and young professional photographers who are interested in developing visual responses to themes, and in understanding how to look at a subject through varied perspectives, challenging stereotypes and established notions about place and people. The purpose of the workshop is to contest the tourist gaze, subvert the exotica and look at Hong Kong from many angles, in order to perceive Hong Kong in new and challenging ways.   Dates: 15/12/14 – 19/12/14 Location: Hong Kong, China Seats: Maximum seats: 15 Minimum Seats: 10 Tuition Fee : 3900 HKD Travel and Accommodation: Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs. The organizers will be happy to recommend hotels and put participants in touch with each other, so they can share rooms. Application Deadline: 3rd December 2014 10% Discount for students from East Asia (against a valid photo ID) 15% Discount on each referral participant (Tuition Fee) One student will be offered an Achievers Grant, which means 100% refund of the tuition fee. The winner of this grant will be published on the last day of the workshop.   Dinu Li 013                                       Dinu Li, from the series ‘The Mother of All Journeys’   Please note: Chosen participants are expected to bear their own travel. Your final participation is subject to realization of fees and is non-refundable. Please note that the participation in this workshop can be validated as 2 ECTS credits of the following courses at IED Madrid: European Master Fine Art Photography(April 2015 – March 2016) Master Program for Professional Photography (Oct 2015 – July 2016) Contemporary Art Photography (Oct 2015 – Jan 2016)   How To Apply Send an email to with “Workshop Application- Mapping the Invisible-Hong Kong” written in the subject line, and attach the following: A PDF document of maximum 30 pages which should not be more than 5MB. Bodies of work/projects are preferred. The PDF should include:
  • A brief description of you and your project(s)
  • A CV and exhibition list.
Dinu Li 034                                         Dinu Li, from the series ‘The Mother of All Journeys’   Course Structure and Workshop Schedule: Day 1:
  • 11:00am: Introduction to the workshop by Dinu Li
  • 11:15: Participants introduce their own works
  • 12:00: Presentation by Dinu Li on his works
  • 13:00: Lunch Break
  • 14:00: Project briefing: Hong Kong – Mapping the Invisible. Dinu lead participants into ways of developing a visual response to the theme
Day 2:
  • 11:00am: Project proposal. Participants present their initial project ideas to Dinu and the group
  • Self Managed Time: Project production. Participants working independently on their projects
Day 3:
  • Self Managed Time: Project production. Participants working independently on their projects
  • 14:00: One to one tutorials are available with Dinu for any participants needing project feedback.
Day 4:
  • Self Managed Time: Project production. Participants working independently on their projects
Day 5:
  • 14:00: Group Critique. Participants present their final works for a group review facilitated by Dinu.
  Dinu Li 008                                             Dinu Li, from the series ‘The Mother of All Journeys’     ABOUT: Dinu Li is a British based multi-discipline artist working across time-based media, installation, found objects and performance. Throughout his practice, Li places himself in a variety of circumstances, responding to his immediate surroundings in an attempt to understand the many cultures he encounters. Li’s output offers a visceral reaction to the world around us within the context of the times we live in. He explores the nuances of the everyday – its many rituals, routines and patterns, in relation to local and global concerns. Recent works have been situated between modes of representation, the vernacular, specific geographic and historical contexts and the intersection between the personal and the political. Li’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, including: the 53rd Venice Biennale; the 3rd Bucharest Biennale; Bildmuseet, Umea, Sweden; Oldenburger Kunstverein, Germany; Alternative Space Loop, Seoul, Korea; Danielle Arnaud, London; Chalk Horse, Sydney through Para/Site Hong Kong; Petra Rietz Salon, Berlin; SVA, New York through Artprojx; Rivington Place, London; White Space 798, Beijing and Christian Roellin, Zurich. He has undertaken residencies with OCAT in Shenzhen, China; ArtSway Production Residency in Hampshire and Chengdu, China; and a Cornerhouse and Space Artists Exchange Residency in Central Asia. He has been a guest speaker for Tate Modern, the Victoria and Albert Museum, The British Museum and is a visiting lecturer across educational institutions in the UK, and docent at the IED Madrid.
由李典宇在香港教授的高級講習班:繪製無形圖 主辦方:Emaho雜誌&歐洲設計學院馬德里分校 時間:2014年12月15日—19日 地點:香港,中國 在伊塔洛.卡爾維諾的作品《看不見的城市》(1972)中,威尼斯商人馬可.波羅以密友的身份向年邁的蒙古帝國可汗忽必烈講述著他在帝國所遊覽過的城市。由於身體狀況差,可汗只能通過波羅的描述和自己的想象來體驗這些城市的遼闊與細微之處。這本書給我們提供了另一種對城市的思考方式,即它們如何形成如何起作用。 以卡爾維諾的目的作為起點,參與項目者將進行為期五天的講習班學習,包括一個報告、討論會、多個個別指導及一個課題總結評論會。他們將形成對香港這座城市及其市民的個人觀點。他們可能是本地人或是像李典宇一樣來自其他地方。他們將一起創造馬賽克式的各種對立觀點,回應這座城市本身的特質。 在这项任务中,参与者將批判性地賞析各种不同形式的实践,这些实践形式在当代和历史上具有影响力的藝術家作品中都有所体现;還將對約翰.史密斯和西蒙.費思富爾進行案例分析學習以找到重新設定人與地方共棲關係的實踐模式。  


1.可以申請的對象: 任何有以下追求的攝影學生和年輕攝影專業人員:提高對主題事物的視覺敏感度,學會如何從不同的角度捕捉對象,打破陳規重新構建對地方和對人的認知。 此次講習班的目的是超越遊客眼光,顛覆奇異,從多方角度以新穎的并具有挑戰性的方式認識香港。 2.時間:2014.12.15—2014.12.19 3.地點:香港,中國 4.席位:10—15 5.學費:3900港元 注:來自東亞的學生可享受九折優惠(附上有效的帶照片的身份證件),被推薦者享受八五折優惠。其中一名學生可獲得成就獎,這也意味著學費的全額退還。該榮譽的獲得者將在最後一天公佈。 6.交通與食宿:自費(主辦方將樂意推薦賓館,并告知學員們大家的聯繫方式以便於拼房) 7.申請截止日期:2014年12月7日 8.請注意: 被選中的參與者需自負交通費; 交學费后才能最終參與培訓,且此費用不可退还; 本次講習班的參與者可以在歐洲設計學院馬德里分校以后的課程中獲得兩個學分: 歐洲攝影藝術大師(2015年4月—2016年3月) 專業攝影大師項目(2015年10月—2016年7月) 當代藝術攝影(2015年—2016年1月)  


發送郵件至, 主題為“Workshop Application- Mapping the Invisible-Hong Kong”, 附上大小不超於5MB最多30頁的PDF文件,裡面最好有一些作品和課題。 PDF文件應包含: 1.對於本人和個人研究課題的簡單描述 2.個人簡歷和參展清單  


第一天 11:00:李典宇對本次講習班做簡介 11:15參與者介紹自己的作品 12:00由李典宇展示自己的作品 13:00午餐休息 14:00“繪製無形圖”項目指導:李典宇引導參與者用多種方式形成對主題的視覺印象 第二天 11:00:課題提議:參與者向李典宇和小組提出自己最初的課題想法 自我管理時間:參與者獨立著手自己的課題 第三天 自我管理時間:參與者獨立著手自己的課題 14:00:任何需要課題反饋的參與者可以接受李典宇的一對一輔導 第四天 參與者獨立著手自己的課題 第五天 14:00:小組評論會:參與者展示自己的最終作品,李典宇組織進行集體評論


李典宇是華裔英國藝術家,其涉及的領域包括時基新媒體藝術,現代雕塑,熔鑄藝術和行為藝術。他是泰特現代藝術館、維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館以及大英博物館的客座演講人,是英國多家教育機構的客座講師,也是歐洲設計學院馬德里分校的講師。他曾在中國深圳,中國成都,英國漢普郡和中亞駐留過。他還曾到過各種各樣的環境并將自己置身其中,認真地去感受與理解不同的文化。他的作品都是對當下時代背景的發自肺腑的反映。他總是會探索與當地和全球有關的在日常儀式、常規和模式之中的細微差別。他最近的作品方向是特定區域和歷史背景下的地方表現模式以及人與政治的相互作用。 他的作品曾被展覽在:第53屆威尼斯年展;第三屆布加勒斯特年展;瑞典于默奧現代藝術館;德國歐德堡藝術協會;韓國首爾環形替代空間;倫敦藝術博覽會;悉尼白堊馬展覽會;柏林佩特拉里茲沙龍;紐約視覺藝術學院;倫敦里文頓公共美術館;北京百合子藝術館和瑞士蘇黎世的Christian Roellin藝術走廊。  

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