Art & Culture

Finger Lickin’ Frontman – Baiju Dharmajan

India – Emaho caught up with celebrated Kerala-based guitarist, music composer, producer and guitar teacher Baiju Dharmajan and had a little jam.   Emaho : Your music has heavy Carnatic influences

BANG AND BURN – Charlie Grosso

 U.S.A. – Emaho caught up with Charlie Grosso, a Chinese American artist based in California. Her work is primarily photography based while experimenting with new mediums such as installation and

Sweet Electricity – Electrico

Singapore – Emaho caught up with the cult Singapore-based band Electrico and jammed with Dave Tan (guitar & vocals), Desmond Goh (bass) and William Liim Jr (drums) EMAHO: From Electric

Invisibility Cloaked – Liu Bolin

China- Can a person disappear in plain sight? That’s the question Liu Bolin’s works seem to ask.Also called as “The Invisible man” his work has been exhibited in museums around the

The Soul as Body – Kris Canavan

THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT Ireland- Since 2001 he has been making performance work that centres on the theme of mythology, unity, tragedy, romance and the body politic.Kris describes his

Random Arrangement: Bruce Ingram

England- Emaho caught up with London native and Royal College of Art graduate, Bruce Ingram, to uncover his fetish for flowers. Emaho : So, Bruce, what got you interested in

Pedal to the Metal : Tyler Kellen

U.S.A. –  In February 2008, Tyler Kellen, an independent software developer along with his partner, Tara, a passionate photographer and writer, began an epic journey on bicycles that spanned 25