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Boris Eldagsen: The Poems

Berlin-based German artist Boris Eldagsen (*1970) studied photography and visual arts at the Art Academy of Mainz, conceptual art and intermedia at the Academy of Fine Arts, Prague and fine art the Sarojini Naidu School of Arts & Communication Hyderabad, India. In addition, he studied philosophy at the Universities of Cologne and Mainz. 2013, he participated in a Roger Ballen Masterclass.

Germany – 

Boris Eldagsen‘s Photography explore the limits of what can be depicted. The ‘POEMS’ utilise the external reality, to paint the inner reality, that of the unconscious, archetypical and unspoken. Without excessive materials or digital effects, Eldagsen combines street with staged photography and recreates spectacular and dreamlike images. The photographic mediums of light and shade become symbolic of the spaces between, those that are inaccessible to the rational mind and compel the viewer to resort to their own memories and feelings.

Beyond what is fashionable and current, Eldagsen creates alchemical connections between painting, film and theatre that defy categorisation.


Boris Eldagsens’ The Poems was recently launched at Encontros Da Imagem 2014, Portugal.


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